Song Y, Sapes G, Chang S, Chowdhry R, Mejia T, Hampton A, Kucharski S, Sazzad S, Zhang Y, Tillman B, Resende M, Koppal S, Wilson C, Gerber S, Zare A, Hammond WM. 2024. Plant-soil hydraulic connections as mechanisms of drought tolerance and rapid recovery. Plant, Cell & Environment.
Castillo R, Sapes G, Mallen N, John G, Zare A, Hammond WM. 2024. Spectral ecophysiology: hyperspectral pressure–volume curves to estimate leaf turgor loss. New Phytologist.
Sapes G, Schroeder L, Scott A, Clark I, Juzwik J, Montgomery R, Guzman-Q JA, Cavender-Bares J. 2024. Mechanistic links between physiology and spectral reflectance enable pre-visual detection of oak wilt and drought stress. PNAS.
McDowell N, Sapes G, Adams H, Allen C, Anderegg, W, Breshears D, Brodribb T, Choat B, Cochard H, De Caceres-Ainsa M, DeKauwe M, Grossiord C, Hammond W, Hartman H, Hoch G, Kahmen A, Klein T, Körner C, MacKay S, Mantova M, Martinez-Vilalta J, Medlyn B, Mencuccini M, Nardini A, Olivera R, Pivovaroff A, Sala A, Tissue D, Torres-Ruiz JM, Trowbridge A, Trugman A, Wiley E, Xu C. 2022. A predictive framework for understanding woody plant mortality under drought and warming. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.
Sapes G, Lapadat C, Schweiger A, Juzwik J, Montgomery R, Gholizadeh H, Townsend P, Gamon J, Cavender-Bares J. 2022. Canopy spectral reflectance detects oak wilt at the landscape scale using phylogenetic discrimination. Remote Sensing of Environment.
Sapes G & Sala A. Relative water content consistently predicts drought mortality risk in Pinus ponderosa populations with different morphology, physiology, and times to death. Plant, Cell, and Environment.
Sapes G, Demaree P, Lekberg Y, Sala A. 2020. Plant carbohydrate depletion impairs water relations and spreads via ectomycorrhizal networks. New Phytologist.
Holmlund H, Davis S, Ewers F, Aguirre N, Sapes G, Sala A, Pittermann J. 2020. Positive root pressure is critical for whole-plant desiccation recovery in two species of terrestrial resurrection ferns. Journal of Experimental Botany.
Sapes G, Roskilly B, Dobrowski S, Maneta M, Anderegg W, Martinez-Vilalta J, Sala A. Plant water content integrates hydraulics and carbon depletion to predict drought-induced seedling mortality. Tree Physiology.
Martinez-Vilalta J, Anderegg W, Sapes G, Sala A. 2018. Greater focus on water pools may improve our ability to understand and anticipate drought-induced mortality in plants. New Phytologist.
Simeone C, Maneta M, Holden Z, Sapes G, Sala A, Dobrowski S. 2018. Coupled ecohydrology and plant hydraulics modeling predicts ponderosa pine seedling mortality and lower tree line in the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains. New Phytologist.
Pérez-Navarro MA, Sapes G, Batllori E, Serra-Diaz JM, Esteve MA, Lloret F. 2018. Climatic suitability derived from species distribution models correlates with plant population responses to an extreme drought episode. Ecosystems.
Lloret F, Sapes G, Rosas T, Galiano L, Saura-Mas S, Sala A, Martínez-Vilalta J. 2018. Non-structural carbohydrates dynamics associated to drought-induced die-off in woody species of a shrubland community. Annals of Botany mcy039.
Sapes G, Serra-Diaz J, Lloret F. 2017. Species climatic niche explains drought-induced die-off in a Mediterranean woody community. Ecosphere 8(5):e01833. e0183310.1002/ecs2.1833.
Ryan M, Sapes G, Sala A, Hood S. 2015. Tree Physiology and Bark Beetles. New Phytologist. 205 (3), 955-957.
Journal Publications

Publications in early state of preparation
Clark D, Vargas G, Menezes-Silva P, Farnese F, Sapes G, Chavarria M, Kenworthy K, Hammond W. Accurate calculation of plant thermal limits in high-throughput phenotyping systems. In prep.
Heintzelman C & Sapes G, Clark D, Mantova M, Ribera C, Hammond WM. Hot enough to kill: mechanisms of plant survival during extreme hotter-drought stress. In prep.
Castillo-Argaez R, Sapes G, Torres L, Alcon N, Heintzelman C, Mantova M, Perry E, Gonzalez A, Bassil E, Correll M, Hammond WM. Efficient and early detection of salinity tolerance: a comparison of classic and high-throughput physiological phenotyping approaches. In prep.